Chapter 1 click to read
words: 519 letters: 2257
top words: fear, son, wisdom, instruction, words, man, knowledge, simple, wise
Chapter 2 click to read
words: 309 letters: 1426
top words: paths, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, walk, way, words, heart, yea
Chapter 3 click to read
words: 541 letters: 2296
top words: lord, son, understanding, man, ways, heart, keep, life, wisdom
Chapter 4 click to read
words: 418 letters: 1754
top words: keep, get, wisdom, life, understanding, son, heart, words, way
Chapter 5 click to read
words: 354 letters: 1508
top words: lest, waters, son, ear, lips, strange, woman, mouth, go
Chapter 6 click to read
words: 546 letters: 2381
top words: sleep, man, hand, heart, woman, son, friend, art, mouth
Chapter 7 click to read
words: 411 letters: 1714
top words: house, keep, words, heart, commandments, understanding, woman, corner, way
Chapter 8 click to read
words: 562 letters: 2420
top words: wisdom, earth, way, love, understanding, forth, things, mouth, righteousness
Chapter 9 click to read
words: 288 letters: 1223
top words: understanding, man, wise, simple, wisdom, house, mingled, wine, places
Chapter 10 click to read
words: 527 letters: 2300
top words: wicked, righteous, mouth, wise, lips, son, lord, fool, wisdom
Chapter 11 click to read
words: 524 letters: 2422
top words: wicked, righteous, righteousness, upright, riches, fall, man, delivered, good
Chapter 12 click to read
words: 476 letters: 2098
top words: man, wicked, righteous, heart, good, maketh, deceit, evil, way
Chapter 13 click to read
words: 400 letters: 1840
top words: man, soul, wise, good, life, righteous, wicked, heareth, keepeth
Chapter 14 click to read
words: 572 letters: 2472
top words: man, wise, heart, witness, folly, fools, wicked, poor, foolish
Chapter 15 click to read
words: 544 letters: 2409
top words: lord, heart, wise, wicked, way, man, mouth, reproof, righteous
Chapter 16 click to read
words: 543 letters: 2303
top words: lord, man, lips, heart, evil, way, better, ways, righteousness
Chapter 17 click to read
words: 476 letters: 2092
top words: fool, man, good, understanding, strife, wise, wicked, lips, seeketh
Chapter 18 click to read
words: 381 letters: 1680
top words: man, mans, mouth, heart, lips, brother, strong, seeketh, wisdom
Chapter 19 click to read
words: 506 letters: 2212
top words: man, poor, soul, lord, son, knowledge, many, witness, much
Chapter 20 click to read
words: 498 letters: 2106
top words: man, lord, king, every, men, evil, divers, wise, whoso
Chapter 21 click to read
words: 501 letters: 2206
top words: man, wicked, lord, way, wise, judgment, proud, righteous, heart
Chapter 22 click to read
words: 495 letters: 2048
top words: poor, lord, man, words, riches, rich, soul, go, heart
Chapter 23 click to read
words: 566 letters: 2372
top words: heart, eyes, rejoice, eat, wisdom, words, son, wise, father
Chapter 24 click to read
words: 580 letters: 2486
top words: man, wicked, evil, men, heart, lips, wisdom, knowledge, wise
Chapter 25 click to read
words: 522 letters: 2147
top words: away, put, lest, men, king, glory, forth, neighbour, gold
Chapter 26 click to read
words: 459 letters: 1880
top words: fool, man, mouth, fools, folly, conceit, hand, slothful, strife
Chapter 27 click to read
words: 460 letters: 1983
top words: man, friend, day, heart, hideth, may, praise, stranger, wrath
Chapter 28 click to read
words: 528 letters: 2314
top words: man, poor, whoso, wicked, righteous, law, men, rich, understanding
Chapter 29 click to read
words: 425 letters: 1925
top words: man, wicked, righteous, people, whoso, keepeth, transgression, snare, poor
Chapter 30 click to read
words: 640 letters: 2637
top words: things, earth, four, way, man, lest, generation, yet, three
Chapter 31 click to read
words: 467 letters: 2022
top words: hands, drink, household, son, give, strength, kings, mouth, husband