Gematria and Christianity: A Simple Explanation

Gematria is an old way of looking at numbers and letters. In Gematria, every letter in a language has a number attached to it. So, words can be turned into numbers, and some people think these numbers can reveal hidden meanings. The idea comes from ancient Hebrew writings, but over time, some Christians started using it too.

Where Does Gematria Come From?

Gematria comes mostly from Jewish teachings, especially the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). In Hebrew, every letter of the alphabet has a specific number tied to it. When you add up the numbers of a word, you get a new number. Some people believe these numbers can give you insight into what the word or phrase really means.

For example, in Hebrew, the word for "God" (Elohim) adds up to 86. People who follow Gematria say that number shows something important about the nature of God, though not everyone agrees on what.

Gematria in Christianity

Though Gematria began in Jewish traditions, some Christians have taken an interest in it too. They believe that the Bible, especially the New Testament, might also have hidden meanings in numbers. Some Christians use Gematria to try to understand prophecies, the end of the world, or to find deeper meanings in scripture.

One of the most famous examples of this is the number 666, the "Number of the Beast" mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Many people have tried to use Gematria to figure out what the number really means, like if it represents a specific person or an evil force. Some claim it might refer to the Roman Emperor Nero, while others believe it's a future person or entity. The truth is, nobody knows for sure.

Another example is the name of Jesus. In Greek, the name Jesus adds up to 888. Some Christians say this shows Jesus is greater than the devil (since 888 is seen as a number of perfection, while 666 is seen as evil).

Is There Proof of Gematria in Christianity?

The Bible doesn't say anything directly about using Gematria. It doesn't tell people to use it to figure out hidden messages. But that hasn't stopped people from trying. Some Christians use Gematria to make sense of mysterious passages or to try to predict the future, but there's no solid proof that it's a valid way to interpret the Bible.

Most scholars and theologians don't put much weight in Gematria when it comes to Christianity. They say the Bible should be read and understood through its plain message and not through trying to find hidden codes. However, some groups and individuals are fascinated by it, and they continue to explore what they think might be secret meanings in the text.

Why Do People Use Gematria?

A lot of people use Gematria because they like the idea that there could be more to the Bible than what's on the surface. They feel like it makes the Bible more exciting or mystical, almost like a puzzle to solve. Others are just curious about whether ancient traditions like this can actually reveal something true about the world or God.

On the flip side, some folks think it's a waste of time. They believe the Bible was written to be understood by regular people, and that searching for hidden codes can lead people away from the true meaning of the scriptures. At its worst, Gematria could be used to mislead or confuse people by making wild claims that aren't really supported by the text.


In the end, Gematria is an interesting practice that has caught the attention of some Christians. While it comes from Jewish traditions, a few Christians use it to try and find deeper meaning in the Bible. But there’s no real proof that Gematria holds the key to understanding the Bible or predicting the future. For most Christians, it's probably better to focus on the clear and simple message of the scriptures instead of looking for secret codes hidden in numbers.

Some people are drawn to the mystery of it, but it's important to be cautious and not get too caught up in trying to find hidden messages. After all, the Bible was written to teach us something—not to be a complicated code we need to crack.

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