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In the land of Egypt, a Hebrew man named Moses was adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter. He grew up in luxury but later learned about his true heritage and felt compassion for his oppressed people. God spoke to Moses, commissioning him to lead the Israelites out of slavery. Moses was hesitant but eventually agreed.

Moses went to Pharaoh with God's demands for the Israelites' freedom. Pharaoh refused, and God sent ten plagues upon Egypt. The first was turning the Nile River into blood, making it impossible for the Egyptians to drink or bathe in it. The second plague brought frogs to Egypt. The third plague brought gnats, the fourth brought flies, the fifth brought livestock diseases, the sixth brought boils on people and animals, the seventh brought hail, the eighth brought locusts that devoured all the crops, the ninth brought darkness for three days, and the tenth plague was the death of every firstborn son.

After the tenth plague, Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites go. God instructed Moses on how to prepare the Passover meal and warned them about the Angel of Death who would be passing through Egypt that night. The Israelites followed these instructions and were spared while the firstborn sons of the Egyptians died. Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued the Israelites, but they were led by a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day. They reached the Red Sea, where God parted the waters, allowing them to cross safely before closing the sea upon their enemies. The Israelites rejoiced in their newfound freedom and sang praises to God.

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